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I create graphic designs for web and print. A simple homepage or an extensive business website- whatever you want, I can do it. In the area of printed products I create designs for any products that can be printed on. Have a look at these pages. And if you like browse through the app art. Feel free to order your printout of any of the images in A3 format …

Art projects in Nursing Homes

I have been working as an Art Geragogue since 2015. First in Weimar, at Sophienhaus care home, now in Fliedner-Haus nursing home in Neuss.

An Art Geragogue is a trained therapist who understands how to support and extend the functioning of ageing brains by creating art  with older people. The projects below are the result of this work. 

From various good and bad experiences of life in a nursing home, we picked a few of the most typical ones for this project - satirising them in a strip cartoon, a comic, to find humour in even the most serious matters and paying tribute to the old proverb that "the situation is hopeless but not serious".

And to be able to find some comic relief, by imagining the super powers you would most love to have when playfully encountering the various aspects of life in a nursing home.

Report in Neuss-Grevenbroicher Zeitung (March 29,2021)

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Six residents of the retirement and nursing home created a "self-portrait" with the help of individual workshops based on their life stories and regular group meetings, the artistic implementation of which was not specified in advance.

Instead room was given for the participants to experiment, dive into memories, become creative and enjoy sharing themselves.


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From 2015 - 2017 I offered painting and creative courses for residents in the Sophienhaus care home in Weimar. Here is a report from Salve TV about the opening of an exhibition of works that were created during that time:

Kunstgeragogik? Hä?

Geragogik ist die Wissenschaft von Bildung und Lernen im Prozess des Alterns. Geragogen ermöglichen, initiieren und begleiten Lern- und Bildungsprozesse Älterer und geben Anregungen das (eigene) Altern reflektierend zu gestalten.

Die Kunstgeragogik nimmt dafür die Kunst als Basis.

Kunstgeragogik hat viele Facetten. Vom bildnerischen Gestalten bis zu Theater und Tanz kann jede Methode dienlich sein, wenn es um die Anregung und Förderung künstlerischer Prozesse geht.

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